Diyarbakır Sanat Merkezi

Between 2002 and 2009, Diyarbakır Arts Center organized numerous panels and readings, providing the opportunity to listen to the works of writers in their original language and to exchange ideas with them on current issues. These readings and panels, which brought together not only renowned writers who have created significant literary works but also introduced new books and emerging voices to art lovers, included readings, in-depth discussions, and experience sharing on texts in different genres. Alongside writers and poets from Diyarbakır and neighboring provinces, artists from other provinces of Turkey and around the world participated in the events held at various venues throughout the city, including the multi-purpose hall of the Diyarbakır Arts Center, attracting a large audience.

This page provides information on the dates and participants of Writer and Poet Meetings held at Diyarbakır Arts Center in 2005.

January 15, 2005
Meyaser’in Uçuşu
Yavuz Ekinci
February 05, 2005
Yitik Şecere
Muharrem Erbey
May 13, 2005
Cam ile Taş
Şükrü Erbaş, Miran Janbar
May 15, 2005
İçkale Çocukları'ndan Herşeye ve Herkese Mektuplar
June 04, 2005
Hapishaneden Öyküler - Hapishaneden Şiirler
Azad Ziya Eren, Lal Laleş, Şeyhmus Diken, Muharrem Erbey
June 18, 2005
Kin Divanı
Kemal Varol
September 17, 2005
Fethiye Çetin