Diyarbakır Sanat Merkezi
July 2014 - June 2016
Cities: Aydın, Balıkesir, Batman, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, İzmir, Mardin, Muğla, Şırnak, Şanlıurfa

‘BAK: Revealing the City through Memory’, co-implemented by Anadolu Kültür and Diyarbakır Arts Center, is designed as a cultural collaboration and collective artistic production program envisioned for the participation of the youth from different cities in Turkey. BAK aims to bring young people together in different cities to connect with each other and the cities they live in, and create collaborative visual narratives of their cities through photography and video projects. BAK, which held its first cycle in 2012-2014 with 24 participants from Batman, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır and İzmir, expanded its geographical scope in its second cycle and extended its call to ten cities, this time to young people between the ages of 20-28 from Aydın, Balıkesir, Batman, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, İzmir, Mardin, Muğla, Şırnak and Şanlıurfa who are interested in video and photography.

The first workshop of the program was held in İzmir March 9-15, 2015 and the second workshop was held in Diyarbakır May 23-29, 2015. During the production period between June-September 2015, 24 young people from different geographies produced joint projects under the theme of city and memory. The 5 photographs and 6 video works, which featured stories of everyday life, different lives and places, past and memory, migration and cultural diversity in BAK cities during June-September 2015, were exhibited in İstanbul, Diyarbakır and İzmir between March-June 2016, and interviews and screenings were organized as part of different events. Organized in collaboration with the Geniş Açı Project Office (GAPO) and docIstanbul – Center for Documentary Research, BAK’s 2014-2016 period was supported by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, and the Consulate General of Sweden.

BAK 2014-2016 Booklet

İzmir Meeting
The first workshop meeting of BAK 2014-2016 was held at Institut français İzmir and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Havagazı Factory March 9-15, 2015 with 31 participants from 10 different project cities. The workshop started with a presentation by social sciences consultants Zeynep Gönen and İrem İnceoğlu, who discussed the conceptual framework that encompassed topics such as everyday life, gender, urban transformation, migration, refugees, and concepts like body, space, belonging, identity, and their relationship with the city and memory. The workshop continued with a photography module conducted by Refik Akyüz and Serdar Darendeliler from GAPO. The module, which presented a wide range of examples from the history of photography that addressed the city, along with contemporary photographers' series that represented place and individuals in different aspects, was followed by the video module conducted by Berke Baş and Can Candan. In this section, after screening segments from the most important examples of documentary cinema history addressing the city and short documentaries with different styles that have been successful in Turkey, the relationship between content and narrative in documentaries and their approaches to the subject were discussed.

Participants embarked on a walking tour of İzmir, exploring socially, culturally, and economically diverse neighborhoods and routes. Accompanied by Şahin Sonyıldırım, an Urban History Research Assistant at İzmir Ahmet Piriştina City Archive and Museum, the walk provided a unique opportunity to observe the layered cultural structure and current state of old İzmir. The walk began at the Historic Elevator and continued through the surrounding neighborhoods, culminating in a visit to the Konak-Kemeraltı Bazaar. 29 participants who formed groups and developed project ideas, left İzmir to continue working on their project proposals in the weeks that followed. In conjunction with the workshop, as part of the 2nd İzmir Rights and Labor Oriented Cinema Days, a public screening of the video works produced by BAK between 2012-2014 was held at the Institut français İzmir March 14, 2015.
Diyarbakır Meeting
The second workshop of BAK 2014-2016 was held in Diyarbakır May 23-29, 2015. Following the İzmir meeting in March 2015, where project groups and topics were determined, the participants came together in Diyarbakır to finalize the final preparations for the pre-production of the photo and video projects. The groups, who had been working on developing project proposals since the first workshop, finalized the production preparations for their photo and video projects with shooting-oriented activities. The workshop program included sessions with guest trainers sharing the experience of collective work in the fields of photography, video and multimedia, as well as technical details of shooting. During the program, photographers Serra Akcan, Anahit Hayrapetyan, and Serpil Polat provided technical support training in the field of photography and shared their NarPhotos experience; artist Sevgi Ortaç presented different examples from around the world in the field of multimedia and storytelling; and experienced documentary cameraman and cinematographer Koray Kesik shared his experience in video shooting with the young participants of the program.

The program also included detailed sessions on the shooting script, workflow and other preliminary preparations for the shooting process. Gökçe İnce, who coordinates the production and post-production processes, provided participants with preliminary information on shooting and editing, and held a session on how to use technical equipment. Similar to the first meeting, a city tour was organized during the Diyarbakır Workshop, allowing participants to observe the cultural structure of the city. In addition to the tour, which ended with a talk by Şeyhmus Diken on the history of Diyarbakır, participants attended the opening of the ‘Glazed Time’ Multimedia Exhibition and the opening of the Diyarbakır City Museum. The BAK workshops in Diyarbakır were hosted by the Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Works produced during BAK 2014-2016 were exhibited for the first time in İstanbul Depo March 5-April 10, 2016, followed by the exhibitions in Diyarbakır at Sümerpark Amed Art Gallery, April 16-May 8, 2016, and finally in İzmir at K2 Contemporary Art Center, May 27-June 25, 2016.